Inner Circle Coaching Recordings

Live coaching calls packed with artistic strategies, mindset and Q&A sessions. Open for all the members of the vibrant artist community!

Course Summary

The Inner Circle Coaching Calls are an exclusive opportunity for members of our vibrant artist community to connect, learn, and grow together. Whether you’re in the community since 1 month or 1 year, these calls are designed to foster community building, provide personalized mentorship, and keep you updated with the latest announcements and resources. This initiative aims to ensure that all members stay connected and supported on their artistic journey.


- To build a strong and supportive community of artists.
- To provide live updates and announcements.
- To offer personalized guidance and mentorship.
- To facilitate networking and collaboration among members.
- To answer members’ questions and provide real-time feedback.
- To share exclusive resources and tools for artistic and professional development.

Course Curriculum

Vaishnavi Khandkar

Course Pricing

Inner Circle Coaching Recordings

6999 INR

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